Saturday, October 3, 2009

So I'm allergic and so is he... now what

Allergies have been a part of my life forever. I got tested about age 5. Peanuts (severe), peas, oranges, walnuts, raw egg, pollens, cats & dogs allergic, allergic, allergic. Allergies and asthma run in my family. Two of my uncles have severe allergies, many of my cousins, even my grandma died from complications of asthma. Its been part of my life forever.

So as I had kids, I did everything I could to prevent my children having the same fate. I breastfed them past a year. Withheld, eggs (less cooked and straight) until age 2 & nuts until age 3.

1st son made it free & clear (except a mild dust allergy), 2nd son not so lucky-- he accidentally ate a peanut m&m at a party and the next morning awoke with a swollen eye. The eye got worse throughout the day and we ended up at the ER for a "just in case" treatment plan of steroids and epinephrine. We also pieced together that his frequent itching was related to any orange he ate including a sip or two of Mt. Dew, Fruity Cheerio's, and a bunch of other things we eventually eliminated from his diet.

2nd son is preschool age but I just don't feel confident with the snack situation so he is not attending this year. I am so nervous about Kindergarten next year. Ughh!!

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